From: Ed Davis, Common Cause [mailto:CauseNet@commoncause.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 1:29 PM
To: The Absurdist
Subject: Give DC a Vote!
Dear Absurdist,
"Without Further Delay." That's the headline of an editorial this morning in the Washington Post.1
Here's more:
"The people of the District of Columbia shouldn't have to wait another minute, let alone another month, to get the full voting representation in government that is their due as Americans."
We can make this happen in the next few days. The DC Voting Rights Act is headed for a vote in the last few days of the 109th Congress. The Act will give DC a vote in the US House of Representatives for the first time.
Tell Del. Eleanor Norton to vote for the DC Voting Rights Act.
Nearly 600,000 Americans living in the District of Columbia have no voting representation in Congress. It's the only national capital among the world's democracies that lacks a vote. Even citizens in Baghdad have the right to representation in Iraq's legislature.
The DC Voting Rights Act recognizes that partisan political considerations have always entered into issues that are fundamentally about fairness and justice. This proposal puts those considerations aside by adding two new seats to the House, one for the District and another that will go to Utah, which barely missed gaining another seat after the last census. It's a practical, fair solution to a problem that has been a stain on our democracy for over 200 years.
Even in the bitterly divided partisan atmosphere in Congress, this historic bill can pass in the next few days. But we need your help now!
Tell Del. Eleanor Norton to vote for the DC Voting Rights Act.
Thank you for your help.
Ed Davis and Sarah DufendachDC Voting Rights team
1: Washington Post editorial, December 5, 2006.
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Seriously, if you don't live in Washington, D.C., then write to your member of Congress right now to urge him or her to vote for the D.C. Voting Rights Act: http://www.commoncause.org/demandDCvote .